AIM Archives - Month: November 2020

Any business leader can become a builder… if they apply themselves.


Every business leader becomes known for something. You might be a remodeler, always “fixing the place up.” Improving productivity or quality is helpful, but nothing new is created. Others are decorators, trying to boost “curb appeal” every quarter. Yet others are realtors, focused on M&A, not organic growth. Your company was founded by builders. Be the builder focused on delivering value to customers, so your business grows… and your employees enjoy stable, rewarding careers.

More in video, Leader’s Guide to B2B Organic Growth series, Video Lesson #2

Great B2B innovation requires 2 forms of evidence.


Exhibit A is an attractive market and Exhibit B is a documented need within this market. Most companies do OK with Exhibit A… identifying a market segment that is winnable and worth winning. But most are terrible at Exhibit B. This is being sure of which customer outcomes (desired end-results) companies will be rewarded for satisfying with a new product. Increasingly, companies are using Market Satisfaction Gaps to do this. (See 12 case stories)

More in white paper, Market Satisfaction Gaps

Have you separated your earned growth from your unearned growth?


There are two types of unearned growth: 1) Inherited Growth comes from great products your employees created long ago, and 2) Market Growth is driven by your customers’ growth. You influence neither today. Earned Growth occurs when you surpass competitors in meeting customer needs. Normal accounting doesn’t separate earned from unearned, but you should. You may be living on borrowed time, when you should be the master of your own destiny.

More in article, B2B Organic Growth: Moving to earned growth

Consider rat tails and the danger of ignoring second-order effects.


In the early 1900’s the French colonial government tried to decrease the Hanoi rat population by rewarding bounties on each rat tail turned in. The second-order effects were 1) lots of tail-less rats roaming the streets, and 2) rat-breeding farms for tail harvesting. When your business leaders slash R&D spending, invoke travel bans, cut marketing staff, and delay hiring… what second-order effects will come as a result? Perhaps slower future growth? Rats.

More in article, Stop Stifling B2B Organic Growth with 2nd Order Effects