Lead Organic Growth in Your Business - The AIM Institute Lead Organic Growth in Your Business – LGG Video Series

An executive short-course in leading growth

What if B2B companies pursued growth in an entirely different manner in 20 years? What if we looked back then and cringed at our approach today?

This video series, by Dan Adams, shows you how all successful B2B companies will eventually grow. Immerse your leadership team in this content now so you can master it… and leave your competitors far behind.

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A quick 2-min. video each week from Dan Adams provides you with a roadmap to profitable, sustainable growth.

Weeks 1-10: New growth mindset

Lesson 1
Recognize your growth challenge
Lesson 2
Become a builder
Lesson 3
Catch the innovation wave
Lesson 4
Avoid the commodity death spiral
Lesson 5
Rethink your true-north goal
Lesson 6
Re-prioritize your initiatives
Lesson 7
Recalibrate your time horizon
Lesson 8
Know what really drives growth
Lesson 9
Build your growth capabilities
Lesson 10
Understand your B2B advantages

Weeks 11-20: Deeper customer insight

Lesson 11
Concentrate on winning markets
Lesson 12
Stop leading with your solutions
Lesson 13
Immerse in customer outcomes
Lesson 14
Eliminate most commercial risk
Lesson 15
Let customers surprise you
Lesson 16
Avoid errors of commission
Lesson 17
Engage your B2B customers
Lesson 18
Create & capture value
Lesson 19
Insist on data-driven innovation
Lesson 20
Pursue fast innovation

Weeks 21-30: Amplifying your growth

Lesson 21
Launch your products explosively
Lesson 22
Invigorate your NPD process
Lesson 23
Treat “R” and “D” differently
Lesson 24
Understand risk vs. uncertainty
Lesson 25
Pursue transformational projects
Lesson 26
Study your industry’s future
Lesson 27
Create a “learning force”
Lesson 28
Beware of B2C “shortcuts”
Lesson 29
Employ leading growth metrics
Lesson 30
Lead for growth… every day

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