Awkward Reality #480

Awkward Reality #479

Awkward Reality #478

Awkward Reality #477

Awkward Reality #476

Great product development is always preceded by great market segmentation.


Three conditions must be met: 1) A market segment (cluster of customers with similar needs) is clearly defined. 2) The segment is worth winning in terms of size, growth, profit potential, etc. 3) The segment is winnable, i.e., it’s not defended by a well-entrenched competitor. Overlook these conditions and you’ll waste resources. Great market segmentation is key to successful innovation.

More in 2-minute video at 16. Segment by markets for innovation

Awkward Reality #475

Can customers help you create a new-to-the-world product? Sure. If you know how to ask.


Could customers help with a product as radical as iTunes or iPod? They’d probably be hopeless on solutions… but helpful on outcomes: access a broad range of music, instantly purchase music, transport music anywhere, purchase single tunes, store music on multiple devices, etc. These would be great insights for any solution-provider.

More in 2-minute video at 18. Avoid the ‘Faster Horse’ Fallacy

Awkward Reality #474