Prepare for a whole new way of thinking.

You’ll find our highest concentration of industry-changing ideas in these white papers. Each is built on insights gained from years of working with top B2B firms. You can “move minds” in your organization with these white papers, because the ideas in them are fresh, convincing and memorable.

Download The AIM Institute’s white paper, Sales Call Preparation

Sales Call Preparation with AI

How can your salespeople beat their sales quotas more consistently? For most B2B sales professionals, it’s improving sales call prepara...
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Everyday VOC... a white paper from AIM Institute

Everyday VOC (EVOC)

Your sales and technical support reps are making hundreds of customer calls annually. But are all customer needs uncovered, explored, and...
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Key Account Blueprinting

Key account management is HARD, with customer decision-makers often Hidden, Abundant i...
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Commercialize Technology

Does your company develop exciting new technology… and struggle to commercialize it? Follow these six steps, to 1) rapidly identify the...
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B2B vs B2C

Here’s the B2B vs B2C paradox: B2C marketers get most of the glory, but B2B marketers have much more potential to understand c...
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Market Satisfaction Gaps Whitepaper

Market Satisfaction Gaps

With one simple change you can breathe new life into your new product success rate and organic growth. This “fix” only works if your ...
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Virtual VOC Whitepaper

Virtual VOC (VVOC)

If you’re not interviewing your B2B customers via web-conferencing, it’s time to reconsider. While in-person interviews are still the...
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Design Thinking for B2B

Should you apply design thinking to your B2B new product development? Absolutely! This type of user-centered design is badly needed by mo...
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New Innovation Metrics

For more than three decades companies have relied on the vitality index–% of sales from new products. While helpful, this innovatio...
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GCN Whitepaper 3d

Guessing at Customer Needs

Five out of six B2B product development teams are betting on the wrong product designs–essentially guessing at B2B customer needs&#...
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Catch the innovation wave

Catch the Innovation Wave… with the New Science of B2B Customer Insight

In the past, companies used the Quality and Productivity Waves for competitive advantage. But today quality and efficiency improvements j...
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TIE Whitepaper 3d

Timing is Everything: Exposing Deep Flaws in B2B Innovation Today

When most companies ask themselves three “timing questions,” they realize their B2B innovation is terribly supplier-centric. This wil...
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IUM Whitepaper 3d

Innovating in Unfamiliar Markets: How to De-risk Transformational Projects

When you try to bring innovation to a market that’s new to you… do you face high risks? You don’t have to. You face uncertainty, bu...
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build measure learn

B2B Lean Startup: Expanding the Build-Measure-Learn Cycle

“Build-measure-learn” is the core process of  the Lean Startup cycle. It can help large corporations become more nimble and ...
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