Everyday VOC® Workshop – Never waste a single customer interaction

Now includes 1-year of SalesPrep™ software (a $240 value)*


The Everyday VOC workshop, with AI-based SalesPrep software, helps your entire team–marketing, technical, product management, and sales–understand customer needs better. In 90 days, it upgrades three selling habits proven to increase B2B sales. (See www.B2BSalesHabits.com.)

3 Habits that boost sales (The 3 P's)

Everyday-VOC-Guide-blurredThe Everyday VOC workshop is a 4-hour in-person or virtual session where learners role-play What-Why-Clarify probing.

Perfect for your next sales meeting! Clients report immediate sales success, because these listening & probing skills set your sales force apart. Customers will view them as trusted advisors interested in them… not “another sales call.”

AND our AI-based SalesPrep software makes it fast & easy for your salespeople to record their visits in your CRM and send “recap” emails to customers.

Everyday VOC Workshops (4 hours)

Everyday VOC workshops (in-person or virtual) include the following:

  • Workshop: 4-hours with breakouts for role-playing.
  • Resources: Guides for improved listening, probing, and customer tours.
  • Post-workshop lessons: 12 weekly emails with advanced skills & practice tips.
  • CRM advice: Suggestions for using your existing CRM to capture insights.

SalesPrep™ software now included with this workshop!*

Top sales pros prepare to ask customers great questions and challenge them with fresh ideas. Now with the power of AI, you can have all this in 60 seconds on your phone or desktop:SalesPrep phone

  • Company News: M&A activity, management changes, earnings reports.
  • Market Trends: Key trends for this type of customer application.
  • Common Problems: Frequent problems with this customer application.
  • Process Steps: Major steps for using your product in this application.
  • Company Overview: Leadership, size, strategy, products, competitors.

But this is more than a productivity tool. SalesPrep software includes e-learning, an AI practice guide, and resources for world-class probing during customer meetings.

E-learning preview video coverWith this e-learning, you’ll master…
Listen-Ask-Suggest approach
What-Why-Clarify probing
SALT advanced probing
PEAR listening signals
AMUSE observation methods

Claire the SalesPrep AI Guide

  • Level 1, Novice: Claire role-plays both the salesperson and customer roles.
  • Level 2, Intermediate: Claire is your customer (and gives you advice as you go).
  • Level 3, Expert: Claire is your customer (and gives you advice at the end).

ResourcesDownloadable PDF Resources: Keep these sheets by your computer as prompts during phone and web-conference calls. They also make great “refreshers” before your customer visits.


*SalesPrep software, e-learning, AI Guide, and PDF resources are all included in your Everyday VOC workshop at no extra cost for the first year. If you like them, keep subscribed for just $19.95/mo/person billed annually.

Way more than just a workshop!

All of your attendees get everything necessary to ensure real behavior change:

  • 4-hour in-person or virtual workshop with small-group and individual hands-on exercises.
  • 12-month subscription for each attendee to the SalesPrep™ System..
    • Up to 100 pre-call visit reports/month/person
    • Unlimited, on-demand AI practice sessions with “Claire”
    • 10 e-learning modules (6-12 minutes each)
    • PDF’s to reinforce methods e.g., “What-Why-Clarify” probing
  • Sponsor Dashboard to view each attendee’s use of e-learning, AI practice & pre-visit reports.
  • Certification program for those making full use of the SalesPrep System.
  • 3 Monthly 1-hour follow-up webinars to recognize early adopters and encourage the rest.

The cost is just $9000 + $495 per learner.  (For more than 50 learners, add $9000 for a second trainer.)

If you’re interested in hosting a private workshop, either in-person or virtual, please contact us.

Contact us