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When an AIM coach joins your team on its first Blueprinting project, some very good things happen…
Every team has a different “starting point,” in terms of their project and prior experience, so don’t expect a “cookie cutter” approach. Rather, your AIM coach will develop a plan just right for your team. The coach joins your team for a one-hour web-conference every few weeks over 6-to-9 months. Here are common topics, with asterisks marking the most popular:
*1. Project Scoping: The team uses Blueprinter Step 1 (Market Segmentation) to select its target market segment. This includes brainstorming possible segments, determining selection criteria, assigning A-B-C attractiveness, and choosing the target market segment.
*2. Interview Prep: The team records candidate Discovery interviewees in Blueprinter Tool 2.1, as well as the interviewee settings (e.g. region & value chain point). They create their Current State questions and Trigger Maps in Blueprinter Tool 2.3, and begin filling in their Prep Sheets.
*3. Internal Role-play: In this role-play, the team’s real project scope is used, with the most knowledgeable team members serving as “customers.” The coach teaches AIM’s SALT method of probing… especially powerful for the “What” questions in its “What & Why” probing.
4. Sales Rep Practice: This web-conference interview is like the last role-play except those role-playing the “customers” are your own sales reps. Besides more team practice, this helps your sales reps understand Discovery interviews … so they can explain them better to customers.
5. ‘Friendly’ Interview: Your coach can join you on your first “real” Discovery interview via web-conference. This could be with your distributor or a smaller, friendly customer. Your coach can join you for a briefing before and after the interview to help you fine-tune your skills.
*6. Discovery Noteboard Review: After your team has conducted 2-to-3 real interviews, your coach will review your Discovery sticky notes with you. This is a great opportunity to learn how you can improve your probing, craft stronger outcome statements, and more.
*7. Preference Preparation: This is often the most helpful time for your coach to join your team: You’ll data-mine all your Discovery Top Picks and Must Haves, and go through a refinement/selection process. Then your team will be ready to conduct Preference interviews.
8. Preference Role-play: Preference interviews are easier to master than Discovery interviews… and you’ll have your e-learning videos to watch. Still, it’s often helpful to conduct a Preference role-play with your coach before you begin doing these with real customers.
9. Review Preference: After your team has conducted 2-to-3 real Preference interviews, your coach will review your results with you. He or she will likely have suggestions on how to probe more deeply and capture more valuable information during these sessions.
*10. Analyze Preference Data: Blueprinter Tool 3.6 provides many ways to analyze your data, and your coach can greatly help with this. You’ll appreciate their advice on how to create the best “Market Views” and how to interpret your results using each Blueprinter chart.
*11. Market Case Preparation: When your team presents its 6-part Market Case (Blueprinter Tool 3.7) to management, you want to be at your very best. Your coach will help you “pressure-test” your Market Case, and will provide valuable guidance for a successful presentation.
12. Blueprinting Next Steps: Depending on the likely impact of their project, some teams opt to proceed beyond the Market Case… completing Blueprinting Steps 4-to-7 and finishing with a Business Case. Your coach can help your team decide if this makes sense for your team.
For more information on AIM in-team-coaching—or to set up a call to discuss your needs—please email us at [email protected].