Product Development Training Program - The AIM Institute Training

Tap the hidden potential in B2B customer insights… with AIM product development training

Thousands of B2B professionals apply New Product Blueprinting around the world — but how do you learn it? The AIM Institute has pioneered a comprehensive product development training program to teach B2B-optimized innovation, so you can understand market needs better and create higher-value products faster.

Your B2B customers have more knowledge, interest, objectivity and foresight than the average end-consumer. So why not learn the world’s most advanced methods to tap this reservoir of insight? AIM training leads to better understanding of customer needs… which leads to stronger new products… and higher growth. Our clients see amazing results: Check out over a dozen AIM case stories.

AIM training blends workshops, coached web-conferences, self-paced e-learning and tools, such as our Blueprinter® software. With this new product development training, teams work on real projects and interview real customers as they gain insights and hands-on experience to drive new-product success. Your AIM training costs are low,  just $2-3000 per person for a year-long program. And transparent: Use this matrix with 5 plans & cost calculator to estimate your total cost.

Immerse your new product development (NPD) teams in the transformative New Product Blueprinting process, using one of several training plans. Not sure yet? Attend a public workshop to check it out. You’ll see AIM product development training delivers valuable skills that can be immediately deployed.

How successful is this training? We train in every region of the world—mostly with Global 1000 companies—receiving exceptionally high ratings and the confidence of clients working with us year after year. Don’t imagine the B2B customer insight you practice today is even close to Blueprinting. Instead, investigate for yourself by attending one of our public workshops.

You may want to check out our three other offerings as well:

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