Awkward Realities - The AIM Institute Awkward Realities

Awkward Reality #57

It’s usually a bad idea to ask B2B customers how much they’ll pay for a new product.

57 Price Negotiations

An alarm sounds in their heads and they move into “negotiating” mode… so good luck getting a straight answer. But they do want you to understand their needs. So collect economic data during interviews and tours for value-calculator price modeling later. This is why it’s easier to set proper pricing for a new product than an existing one.

More in article, Getting Top Price for Your New Product (Originally published in B2B Organic Growth Newsletter).

Awkward Reality #56

A value proposition is simply improving important outcome(s) for customers’ benefit.

56 Improving Customer Outcomes

Unlike many B2C benefits, e.g. amusement, comfort, and self-esteem, B2B customer benefits are usually measurable, economic and—wait for it now—predictable. This predictability means B2B suppliers who study customer outcomes, like a science, will be handsomely rewarded. B2B customers will eagerly help you… if you know how to ask them.

More in article, The Science behind Great Value Propositions (Originally published in B2B Organic Growth Newsletter).

Awkward Reality #55

Keep a straight face if you say, “This is the most important quarter in our company’s history.”

55 Quarterly Report

Of course, employees will be laughing; they’ve heard this one before. When satisfying the expectations of Wall Street analysts conflicts with building the firm’s long-term competitive strength, guess which usually wins? Any employee who’s been through travel restrictions, investment delays, hiring freezes, etc. knows the answer.

More in article, Why Maximizing Shareholder Value is a Flawed Goal (Originally published in B2B Organic Growth Newsletter).

Awkward Reality #54

Awkward Reality #53

Awkward Reality #52

Use FAQS: Separate your Facts, Assumptions, Questions, and Surprises into neat little piles.

52 FAQs

Initially, you are aware of the first three, but completely unaware of the fourth—surprises. When you begin your project, list the first three, and try to convert A’s and Q’s into F’s. Then uncover the surprises through customer interviews, tours and observation. Seek to understand the first three, and discover the last one.

More in white paper, Innovating in Unfamiliar Markets (pages 12-13).

Awkward Reality #51

Some businesses are led by Builders. Others by Decorators, Realtors or Landlords.

51 Business Builder

Some leaders are Interior Decorators, trying to make the place look good every quarter… but not building anything. Others are Realtors. Their hearts are in buying and selling… reaping reward when the work of others’ hands changes hands. Others are Landlords, who apply themselves at work, but their hearts are elsewhere. Be a Builder if this is within you.

More in article, Are You a Builder or a Decorator?

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