AIM Archives - Tag: measurable

Jump the “triple hurdle” for higher new product pricing: Important… Measurable… Distinctive.


Customers only pay a higher price for your innovation if it is important, measurable, and distinctive. The customer must a) care about the outcome being improved, b) observe the improvement so you get credit for it, and c) be unable to get the same improvement from your competitors. Sorry, but you need all three.

More in 2-minute growth video #34, Use value calculators to establish pricing

Jump the “triple hurdle” for higher new product pricing: Important… Measurable… Distinctive.

129 Hurdles

Customers only pay a higher price for your innovation if it is important, measurable, and distinctive. The customer must a) care about the outcome being improved, b) observe the improvement so you get credit for it, and c) be unable to get the same improvement from your competitors. Sorry, but you need all three.

More in New Product Blueprinting article, Three Steps to Unbeatable Value