Don’t skip Preference interviews, which reveal important, unsatisfied customer outcomes (with high Market Satisfaction Gaps)… the only ones you can get premium pricing to address. Video length [2:33]
Don’t skip Preference interviews, which reveal important, unsatisfied customer outcomes (with high Market Satisfaction Gaps)… the only ones you can get premium pricing to address. Video length [2:33]
Great B2B interviewing requires new skills, e.g. AIM’s “What and Why” method and economic probing questions. Use these to gain impressive customer insights and engagement. Video length [2:25]
In most business situations, you don’t want surprises. But you do want to be surprised by customer needs missed by competitors. You need to conduct interviews led by the customer, not you. Video length [2:20]
B2B interviewing should be very different than B2C. These methods help you eliminate most errors of omission (using divergent interviews) and errors of commission (convergent interviews). Video length [2:30]
For 5 decades, commercial risk—not technical risk—has been the leading cause of new-product failures. Follow this 11-step path to eliminate most commercial risk in the front end of innovation. Video length [2:34]
During interviews, customers give you Outcomes, Solutions, or Background. The science of B2B customer insight lets you examine outcomes at 9 increasingly-detailed “magnifications.” Video length [2:41]
It’s OK to have a cool hypothesis, concept, or technology, but test it “silently”: Focus on customer outcomes in interviews, and later check if your hypothesis addresses them. Video length [2:26]
Instead of starting with their solution, B2B companies should begin with the customers’ “job-to-be-done”… and learn which outcomes are leading to “imperfection” in that job. Video length [2:25]
There are two innovation problems: “What’s the question?” and “What’s the right answer?” Most companies waste R&D resources because their solutions don’t address real customer needs. Video length [2:22]
Henry Ford’s famous quote discourages asking customers what they want. (“They’d say a faster horse.”) But this overlooks two key factors: 1) B2B vs. B2C, and 2) Outcomes vs. Solutions. Video length [2:33]
The B2B Index is a free website tool that lets you calculate “how B2B” your markets are. You can download a booklet loaded with advice for “early-stage” and “late-stage” marketing. Video length [2:27]
Leaders need to balance their pursuit of “results” and “capabilities.” Today, most are way out of balance. They pursue near-term results, and then hit the “reset” button to do it all again next year. Video length [2:17]
AIM research based on 10,000+ years of experience shows B2B professionals are especially eager to improve their business capabilities to understand customer needs (vs. meet them). Video length [2:16]
The best research says we’ve struggled for about five decades now. In 1971, the leading cause of new-product failure was “inadequate market analysis” (45%, with the next cause at 29%). In 2019, the leading cause was “No market need” (42%, with the next cause at 29%). After five decades, maybe it’s time to get serious about understanding customer needs before developing new products? Not that we need to rush into this, of course.
More in article, Target Customer Needs and Win