AIM Archives - Tag: customer outcomes

For many companies, innovation is like a medieval comet… rare, unexplained and unpredictable.

73 Medieval Comet

That’s too bad, because customer insight—the first critical step to B2B innovation—can be learned like any other science. You examine customer outcomes (desired end-results) at nine levels. Just as a microscope’s magnification is increased, so each level reveals something new about each outcome. You should try it. Before your competitors.

More in white paper, Catch the Innovation Wave (page 8).

A customer outcome is like a scientific specimen, waiting to be examined and understood.

62 Scientific Specimen

Great value propositions begin and end with customer outcomes. It’s like collecting specimens, sliding them under your microscope, and continuing to turn up the magnification. The careful researcher doesn’t have to agonize over the right value proposition. It comes into increasing focus, waving its arms and screaming to be addressed.

More in white paper, Timing is Everything (page 9).

A value proposition is simply improving important outcome(s) for customers’ benefit.

56 Improving Customer Outcomes

Unlike many B2C benefits, e.g. amusement, comfort, and self-esteem, B2B customer benefits are usually measurable, economic and—wait for it now—predictable. This predictability means B2B suppliers who study customer outcomes, like a science, will be handsomely rewarded. B2B customers will eagerly help you… if you know how to ask them.

More in article, The Science behind Great Value Propositions (Originally published in B2B Organic Growth Newsletter).