Awkward Reality #334

Should new-product innovators stop showing customers a prototype?


If you conduct the right kind of B2B quantitative interviews, you don’t need to show customers a prototype to see if they’ll like it. You’ll already know what they want if you use the methods in this 2-minute video: Benchmark Competing Alternatives. However… prototypes can still be helpful to a) further engage customers, b) understand the value your new product delivers, and c) make refinements. But if you’re serving a B2B market, you can stop lobbing prototypes to understand what customers want.

More in article, Predict the customer’s experience with modeling

How to Ensure Top-Quartile Growth in a B2B Business


How do you accelerate the organic growth of a business? And can you be confident your growth will outpace most competitors? For B2B businesses today—and the foreseeable future—the answer is yes. The steps you must take are surprisingly low-cost, simple, and ignored by most. To succeed, you need a new mindset, new capabilities, and new ... Read More

Awkward Reality #333

Business leaders should train like champions in any other endeavor.


Be it chess or golf, champions know they must train. A striking difference between business leaders and rock climbers is that the former often think they can reach the top without proper training. Imagine showing up at the base of El Capitan with recliner-chair abs, the wrong gear, and no climbing skills. Ridiculous? What about businesses that proclaim double-digit growth plans year after year, but do nothing to prepare for their climb? A good start is acquiring business-wide training and tools for market-facing innovation. (See 2-minute video, Build your growth capabilities.)

More in article, New Product Training: Time to Build Growth Muscles

B2B Organic Growth Series: Chapter #50

B2B Organic Growth Series: Chapter #49

B2B Organic Growth Series: Chapter #48

B2B Organic Growth Series: Chapter #47

B2B Organic Growth Series: Chapter #46

B2B Organic Growth Series: Chapter #45

B2B Organic Growth Series: Chapter #44