The Science behind B2B Value Propositions

B2B Value Propositions - voice of customer interviews - 10-Pricing-Window

The strongest value propositions examine key customer outcomes at 9 levels (the essence of New Product Blueprinting): 1) Uncover outcomes, 2) understand importance, 3) define & set direction, 4) prioritize outcomes, 5) learn how to measure, 6) identify satisfaction levels, 7) measure next best alternatives, 8) quantify value created, and 9) quantify value captured. ... Read More

How to Ensure Top-Quartile Growth in a B2B Business


How do you accelerate the organic growth of a business? And can you be confident your growth will outpace most competitors? For B2B businesses today—and the foreseeable future—the answer is yes. The steps you must take are surprisingly low-cost, simple, and ignored by most. To succeed, you need a new mindset, new capabilities, and new ... Read More