AIM Archives - Month: October 2023

Dan Adams’ new book Business Builders now available!


Dan Adams launched today his new book titled Business Builders: How to Become an Admired and Trusted Corporate Leader. This ground-breaking research examines four types of business leaders, based on responses from 654 senior leaders, middle managers, and individual contributors. They are: Builders (passionate about delivering value to customers, Decorators (focused on making the firm ... Read More

Use FAQS: Separate your Facts, Assumptions, Questions, and Surprises into neat little piles.


Initially, you are aware of the first three, but completely unaware of the fourth—surprises. When you begin your project, list the first three, and try to convert A’s and Q’s into F’s. Then uncover the surprises through customer interviews, tours and observation. Seek to understand the first three, and discover the last one.

More in white paper, Innovating in Unfamiliar Markets (page 12)

Some businesses are led by Builders. Others by Decorators, Realtors or Landlords.


Some leaders are Interior Decorators, trying to make the place look good every quarter… but not building anything. Others are Realtors. Their hearts are in buying and selling… reaping reward when the work of others’ hands changes hands. Others are Landlords, who apply themselves at work, but their hearts are elsewhere. Be a Builder if this is within you.

More in 2-minute video at 3. Be a business builder

Don’t hire more R&D resources until you shift existing personnel “up and out.”


You shift resources “up” by investing manpower earlier in understanding market needs. This lets you be more successful later in developing solutions. You shift resources “out” when employees spend less time talking to each other… and more time directly engaging customers, through interviews and tours. Develop new skills for this, and create a new company culture.

More in white paper, (page 6)

It is unreasonable to expect sales calls to drive your innovation efforts.


Your sales force should play a key role in innovation-focused interviews. But not by themselves. Unaccompanied sales reps seldom attract all the right customer contacts, and they’re not rewarded for the lengthy time horizons required. Besides, market-facing innovation requires central coordination, since a single sales territory won’t contain all the needed prospects. However, your sales force can play a critical role when it also becomes a learning force.

More in 2-minute video at 47. Make your sales force a learning force