We call our bosses “leaders” out of respect for their organizational position. But do they drive B2B organic growth? How many would pass this one-question pop quiz: What is the foremost duty of a business leader? What’s your answer? I believe the correct answer is: Leave your business stronger than you found it. Some might ... Read More
How critical is it to target customer needs? Imagine three situations where you might face the question of a bigger payload vs. a better targeting system: missiles, cancer treatment and gold mining. A bigger payload would be a larger warhead, radiation dosage and backhoe shovel. Better targeting would be more precise hits on enemy positions, ... Read More
Everyone wants to use metrics to monitor their innovation. That's fine… but unless you’re using “intermediate” metrics, you could be missing 3 qualities of a good metric: 1) predictive, 2) insightful, and 3) actionable. Consider these 12 intermediate metrics for your business. ... Read More
Most B2B companies struggle with organic growth because they don't rationally deal with these 5 harsh realities. This article compares the futility of “penny pinching” in the front end of innovation… to the way DuPont invested in New Product Blueprinting training. ... Read More
Are you a business Builder… passionate about organic growth? Or just an Interior Decorator... Realtor… or Landlord? When you work on your “growth machine,” are you concerned with what is going into the feed hopper… or are you just paying attention to what’s coming out the extruder die (financial results)? ... Read More
Read how great business leaders drive organic growth by shifting their balance in four areas: 1) Your job: from interior decorator to builder. 2) Your goal: from shareholder wealth to organic growth. 3) Your time horizon: from current year to the future. 4) Your focus: from results to capabilities. ... Read More
AIM pioneered taking notes so B2B customers can see them. This helps in 5 ways: 1) real-time correction, 2) idea “spring-boarding,” 3) customer prioritization, 4) no transcribing later, and 5) customer engagement. ... Read More