Awkward Reality #132

Awkward Reality #131

Awkward Reality #130

For real growth, your company needs to build growth muscles.

130 Rock Climber

One difference between business leaders and rock climbers is that many of the former think they can reach the top without training muscles. Imagine showing up at the base of El Capitan with recliner-chair abs and no climbing skills. Crazy? How about proclaiming double-digit growth plans every year… without developing the needed business-wide skills?

More in article, Build Growth Muscles at Your Company (Originally published in B2B Organic Growth Newsletter).

Awkward Reality #129

Jump the “triple hurdle” for higher new product pricing: Important… Measurable… Distinctive.

129 Hurdles

Customers only pay a higher price for your innovation if it is important, measurable, and distinctive. The customer must a) care about the outcome being improved, b) observe the improvement so you get credit for it, and c) be unable to get the same improvement from your competitors. Sorry, but you need all three.

More in New Product Blueprinting article, Three Steps to Unbeatable Value 

Awkward Reality #128

“Here today, gone tomorrow.” This is the innovation failure mode that is seldom recognized.

128 Patents

Picture this: You develop a great new product, price it well, and profits begin flowing. This does not go unobserved by competitors who introduce a knock-off, causing prices to drop. Everyone noticed the initial success, but few noticed the failure: Aggressive patent homework might have kept those profits flowing for years. Depressing… if you noticed.

More in New Product Blueprinting article, Are You Maximizing Your Profits?

Awkward Reality #127

The key lesson of war has been described as “concentration of force against weakness.”

127 Force Against Weakness

Let’s substitute market research for reconnaissance… business strategy for battle plan… resource allocation for troop deployment. Many business leaders fail to 1) thoroughly understand their battle fronts, 2) determine the decisive points (markets) to attack, and 3) follow with an overwhelming assault here. These generals lose battles.

More in article, How’s Your Market Segmentation?

Awkward Reality #126