AIM Archives - Tag: launch

If you start selling your new B2B product when you launch it, you’ve started too late.


Research shows top sales professionals ask customers questions such as, “What problems are you facing?” Why not ask this before you develop a new product —not just afterwards? Such questions engage, so customers are often “half-sold” by your launch date. And their answers let you create much better new products. So… one question, two benefits.

More in Leader’s Guide Videos Lesson 17, Engage your B2B customers

Future B2B companies will have a good laugh at our expense.


We now chuckle at how sales people used to rely on ABC (Always Be Closing) and manufacturers relied on end-of-line inspectors (vs. statistical quality control). But those will pale compared to the way today’s B2B companies test markets: by launching fully-developed products at their customers. When they could have learned customer needs first with some simple interviews. Funny stuff.

More in article, The Inputs to Innovation for B2B

Your product launch should be as customer-targeted as your product development.


Should your product launch include email… trade shows… pay-per-click? Every market segment tends to favor different venues to learn about new ideas. Rather than guessing—and squandering your budget—you should study customers’ behavior. Don’t think, “How do we communicate?” Instead think, “How do they learn?”

More in article, Stop Squandering Your Product Launch Budget