Awkward Reality #65

Don’t like what’s coming out of your extruder? Better check what’s going into your feed hopper.

65 Extruder Hopper

Most financial business reviews are like standing around the output die, exhorting the extruder to do better. But nobody’s checking the feed hopper. It looks like an intelligent meeting, discussing gross margins, price increases and growth rates. But these were predetermined years earlier, largely by your new products, what you put into the feed hopper.

More in article, Are You a Builder or a Decorator?

Awkward Reality #64

Awkward Reality #63

Awkward Reality #62

A customer outcome is like a scientific specimen, waiting to be examined and understood.

62 Scientific Specimen

Great value propositions begin and end with customer outcomes. It’s like collecting specimens, sliding them under your microscope, and continuing to turn up the magnification. The careful researcher doesn’t have to agonize over the right value proposition. It comes into increasing focus, waving its arms and screaming to be addressed.

More in white paper, Timing is Everything (page 9).

Awkward Reality #61

Pinching pennies in the front-end of innovation is like night-driving with burnt-out headlights.

61 Penny Pinching

Imagine a team spent $50,000 traveling to interview customers about their needs. What would it take to recover this front-end investment? Typically, just one of these… Improve probability of success by 1%, increase market share by ½ share point, accelerate time-to-market by one month, or raise pricing by 0.5%. Buy new headlights and speed up.

More in article, The Harsh Realities of Organic Growth (Originally published in B2B Organic Growth Newsletter).

Awkward Reality #60

You have two options: Ask for pricing decisions, or understand customers’ pricing decision making.

60 Price Decision Making

You can ask for pricing decisions using a survey, e.g. Van Westendorp. But it’s hard to get a straight answer in concentrated B2B markets: They know they’ll be negotiating prices later. Better to understand the customer’s world so well you can create a value calculator… to model their pricing decision-making. You’ll have longer-lasting insights vs. a one-time survey.

More in article, Pricing New vs. Existing Products (Originally published in B2B Organic Growth Newsletter).

Awkward Reality #59

Awkward Reality #58

Be grateful for B2B customers… and thankful your competitors don’t understand them. Do you?

58 B2B Customers

If you were gathering customer insights about belts, would you rather interview someone using a belt to convey iron ore… or to hold up their pants? B2B customers can usually provide more insight than end-consumers due to greater knowledge, interest, objectivity and foresight. But these advantages are no advantage unless you use a B2B-optimized approach.

More in white paper, Catch the Innovation Wave (page 6).

Awkward Reality #57

It’s usually a bad idea to ask B2B customers how much they’ll pay for a new product.

57 Price Negotiations

An alarm sounds in their heads and they move into “negotiating” mode… so good luck getting a straight answer. But they do want you to understand their needs. So collect economic data during interviews and tours for value-calculator price modeling later. This is why it’s easier to set proper pricing for a new product than an existing one.

More in article, Getting Top Price for Your New Product (Originally published in B2B Organic Growth Newsletter).

Awkward Reality #56

A value proposition is simply improving important outcome(s) for customers’ benefit.

56 Improving Customer Outcomes

Unlike many B2C benefits, e.g. amusement, comfort, and self-esteem, B2B customer benefits are usually measurable, economic and—wait for it now—predictable. This predictability means B2B suppliers who study customer outcomes, like a science, will be handsomely rewarded. B2B customers will eagerly help you… if you know how to ask them.

More in article, The Science behind Great Value Propositions (Originally published in B2B Organic Growth Newsletter).