Awkward Reality #191

It won’t be a great customer interview if you only talk to their summer intern.


You want to get the right B2B interviewees in the room, but setting up great interviews can be tough. Interviewees may think… “I’m too busy… I don’t want to discuss confidential information… I can’t be bothered by a boring survey… I’ll bet they just want to sell me something.” Knowing how to overcome objections is as important a competitive edge as the interviewing skills themselves.

More in article, 9 Best Practices for Recruiting Customers

Awkward Reality #190

Leaders Guide Series: Episode #03

Catch the innovation wave

In the last century, Detroit automakers fell behind Japanese competitors in the Quality Wave. Later, we saw winners and losers in the Productivity Wave. We’re now in the Innovation Wave, with huge consequences. Some B2B companies will win by moving innovation from “hope” into a new science.

More in white paper, Catch the Innovation Wave

Awkward Reality #189

There are three types of growth. You can control one of them.


The first is inherited growth from products launched long ago, which now “carry” your business. The second is market growth… the tide that lifts all boats. You can only impact the third—earned growth—by doing a better job than every competitor in understanding and meeting the needs of a market. This means it’s easy to be lulled into thinking your underlying growth is greater than it is.

More in white paper, Catch the Innovation Wave (page 14).

Awkward Reality #188

All B2B markets are not created equal. How well do you understand yours?


The term “B2B” is useful, because business customers can be so different than end-consumers. But it’s a blunt and imprecise term, and we can do better. Check out the “B2B Index” developed by The AIM Institute. The higher your market’s B2B Index, the greater you can engage customers… in both early-stage and late stage marketing. (This is a free service.)

Calculate your B2B Index at

Awkward Reality #187

A great customer interview is all about the customer. You should be fascinated by their world.


Imagine a fellow on a date that talks about himself for an hour. His only questions are, “What’s your income? What’s your educational level?” Then he closes with, “Will you marry me?” Does this sound like an old-fashioned “qualify-and-then-close” sales call? As in a good date, you should be genuinely interested by your customer and their needs.

Learn more about B2B innovation at 

Awkward Reality #186

Leaders Guide Series: Episode #02

Become a builder

There are 4 types of leaders: Builders, Remodelers, Decorators, and Realtors. This matrix helps you understand which you are. Your business needs a builder. That’s because there are 3 three types of growth—inherited, market, and earned… and you only control one. (Hint… it’s not the first two.)

More in article, Are You a Builder or a Decorator?

Awkward Reality #185

Just think of all the mistakes you can make developing new products.


You can miss an important customer need… pursue the wrong need… over-design and add unneeded costs… measure customer success the wrong way… overlook a competing alternative… over-estimate what customers will pay… under-value your product… use improper messaging. So many chances to err. Fortunately, B2B producers can use a “science” to avoid all of these.

More in article, How to Avoid New-Product Commercial Risk

Awkward Reality #184

Closing the “Customer Insight Gap” gives B2B suppliers a competitive edge. Not so much for B2C.


B2C employees (e.g. Apple engineers) are consumers themselves, so they have high typical customer insight… but low potential insight, since consumers can’t easily predict what will entertain them. The gap between typical and potential insight when serving knowledgeable B2B customers is much larger. This is your competitive edge if you close the gap before competitors.

More in white paper, Catch the Innovation Wave (page 13).